
A Swedish health company offering a doctor appointment booking and video calling system, as well as an app for senior citizens, our team was tasked with designing a UI/UX that prioritized accessibility and ease of use.


About the Clients

For Hjemmeliv, a Swedish health company offering a doctor appointment booking and video calling system, as well as an app for senior citizens, our team was tasked with designing a UI/UX that prioritized accessibility and ease of use. We conducted user research and discovered that elderly patients found existing healthcare apps difficult to navigate, so we prioritized simplicity and clarity in our design. We created an intuitive interface for the appointment booking and video calling system, using a simple color scheme and clear labels and instructions, and incorporated a calendar feature for easy scheduling. For the senior citizen app, we included features like adjustable font sizes and high contrast options to make it more accessible. Our goal was to create a user-friendly experience for all users, regardless of technical skill or physical ability.
